This post is over 13 years old and may contain information that is incorrect, outdated, or no longer relevant.
My views and opinions can change, and those that are expressed in this post may not necessarily reflect the ones I hold today.

It’s actually two-day-old crusted Yoplait yogurt that’s holding that spoon up to the top of the container.

But I sometimes like to pretend that I’m using magic to keep it up there.

Magical powers are cool.

Don’t judge me.




This post is over 14 years old and may contain information that is incorrect, outdated, or no longer relevant.
My views and opinions can change, and those that are expressed in this post may not necessarily reflect the ones I hold today.

This mentally disabled kid named Bob decided to come to the library today during one of my free periods. After a while, I noticed his presence, and someone told me that he claimed that he was psychic. He was going around to a few tables in the library and attempting to prove his powers.

I think this is a good time to mention that this Bob kid has a history of blatantly hitting on girls.

Back to the story. To prove that he was psychic, he asked us to ask him any questions, and he claimed that he could answer them by looking at us.

He gave wrong answers to about 95% of the questions we asked him.

After thoroughly humiliating himself, he went on to a different table, where he was utterly owned again by another group of people. To make it worse, one of the people at the table had an interest in religion and the theory of existence, and started wtfpwning Bob and his psychic powers. Bob left that table in further humiliation and came back to the table I was at.

He then offered to look into the future and do a "palm reading."

I think the better term for this was "hitting on and holding the hand of an attractive girl."

According to Bob, her future spouse will have light green eyes.




Princess Frunk

This post is over 14 years old and may contain information that is incorrect, outdated, or no longer relevant.
My views and opinions can change, and those that are expressed in this post may not necessarily reflect the ones I hold today.

During commons today, a few of my friends and I wrote a story about a princess named Frunk (the past tense of Frank) who had a beard and enjoyed pleasuring herself. She got bitten by a spider that gave her magical powers that let her shoot ninjas into space, and she had a friend that had pink pubic hair.

This is how we waste our lives.




This post is over 14 years old and may contain information that is incorrect, outdated, or no longer relevant.
My views and opinions can change, and those that are expressed in this post may not necessarily reflect the ones I hold today.

I’ve decided to become a bit more active again with regard to creating new online content, and thought I would participate in the Daily Shoot assignment more often again (seeing as it’s online content). Here’s the one from today:

Daily Shoot #177

"What tools do you use and appreciate on a daily basis? Make an interesting photo of one such tool today."

I use pens and pencils on a daily basis, and I appreciate them because I can use them when I’m bored during class to handwrite new content for my website that I can type up at a later time.

And of course, the picture had to be somewhat interesting, so I grabbed three pens and pencils instead of just one of each, and made some sort of shape that looks like the Bermuda Triangle.




This post is over 14 years old and may contain information that is incorrect, outdated, or no longer relevant.
My views and opinions can change, and those that are expressed in this post may not necessarily reflect the ones I hold today.

This is a picture of the inside of my school bus that I took from the back of the bus a while ago that I found when I was scrolling through old pictures. I somehow decided that now would be a good time to share it.

Five Minutes in My Head v2 by Adam Parkzer - Sunday, May 09, 2010

Don’t ask why.




University of Indiana in Indianapolis Law School Graduation

This post is over 14 years old and may contain information that is incorrect, outdated, or no longer relevant.
My views and opinions can change, and those that are expressed in this post may not necessarily reflect the ones I hold today.

One of my cousins was graduating from the School of Law at the University of Indiana in Indianapolis and today was the ceremony. Today consisted of about four and a half hours of driving to Indianapolis, about three hours of sitting through the graduation ceremony and listening to speakers that can’t even memorize their speech, around two to three hours of eating and talking, and another four and a half hours of driving back home. Here are some highlights of the trip.

Here’s my parents and me at the start of the trip:

Now we’re entering the highway, you can sort of see the Chicago skyline:

There was a really colorful buliding somewhere in Chicago, and I managed to pull my camera out just in time to get a picture of it:

Here’s the McDonald’s that we stopped by for lunch:

Somewhere in Indiana, there was a massive series of co-existing windmills, and I decided to take a picture of a few of them:

This is when we finally reached the Indianapolis Convention Center:

And this is after the ceremony when all the graduates came out, my cousin is at the bottom center:

I didn’t get any pictures after that, but we ended up not making it back home until about midnight.

