University of Indiana in Indianapolis Law School Graduation

One of my cousins was graduating from the School of Law at the University of Indiana in Indianapolis and today was the ceremony. Today consisted of about four and a half hours of driving to Indianapolis, about three hours of sitting through the graduation ceremony and listening to speakers that can’t even memorize their speech, around two to three hours of eating and talking, and another four and a half hours of driving back home. Here are some highlights of the trip.

Here’s my parents and me at the start of the trip:

Now we’re entering the highway, you can sort of see the Chicago skyline:

There was a really colorful buliding somewhere in Chicago, and I managed to pull my camera out just in time to get a picture of it:

Here’s the McDonald’s that we stopped by for lunch:

Somewhere in Indiana, there was a massive series of co-existing windmills, and I decided to take a picture of a few of them:

This is when we finally reached the Indianapolis Convention Center:

And this is after the ceremony when all the graduates came out, my cousin is at the bottom center:

I didn’t get any pictures after that, but we ended up not making it back home until about midnight.




