If you remember from last year, I generally only spend the winters at the Tempo headquarters in Long Beach, California while I wait out the inclement weather in other areas of the country. It’s nearing spring already, so it’s about time for me to set off; while I’m still in town, my friend David (who you might remember from previous blog posts as the greyhound rescue owner) wanted to take me to the Aquarium of the Pacific.
It was a nice aquarium, though I think they let way too many people in, because it was completely crammed shoulder-to-shoulder with visitors. Many of them were children, so there was the occasional ear-piercing shriek as well. Because of this, we spent a lot more time there than we originally expected—I still wanted to get my money’s worth, so I was patient and waited for the slow-moving lines so I could take a look at everything.
Here are some photos from my visit—not necessarily my favorite ones, but the ones that turned out the best: