Hello, Museum of Geology at the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology

Ever since my arrival in Rapid City, South Dakota, it has been ridiculously and unmanageably windy. I mean that in the most literal way possible—the wind is so strong that I have trouble walking in a straight line, I have to have my steering wheel perpetually turned slightly against the direction of the wind when driving or else I will be pushed off the road, and I nearly had an entire pan of pizza take off and fly away from my arms.

While waiting out the wind and hoping it settles down in the coming few days, I decided to do an indoor activity and visited the Museum of Geology, part of the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology. I’m not exactly the biggest geology enthusiast, but the museum had good reviews online and it had free admission, so I decided to check it out.

I read a majority of the informational posters and signs about the different kinds of rocks and learned a lot about how different rocks are formed, but be­cause I wasn’t already that familiar and knowledgeable about geology, I wasn’t able to retain all the precise details of each of these rocks are and what is special about them. For the sake of avoiding accidentally giving wrong information, instead, here is just a large dump of photos of rocks and formations that I thought looked interesting.




