This is what happens when Ed gets too hungry

This is what happens when Ed gets too hungry

I don’t really eat that much. I value bodily fitness, and because I don’t really move around as much as I used to, I eat proportionately less. Body fat reserves are related directly to excess calories in versus calories out, and there’s no reason for anyone to eat if they haven’t expended those calories during the day.

As a result, I’ll end up doing some insane things when I feel like I have a calorie overdose. For example, if I spend the entire day seated, I will only eat enough so that I have sufficient calories for sedentary, passive burn, and not more. If I notice that my belly is increasing in size, I’ll skip a few meals in a row in order to extract from fat reserves. I don’t abide by the conventional breakfast, lunch, and dinner meals; instead, I eat small meals whenever I’m hungry.

Ed … Ed is very much not like that.

Ed follows a very routine eating schedule of all three meals per day, at particular times throughout the day.

On the day that I took the photo above, I was meeting up with Ed to go get some food at a restaurant. Even though he had already eaten breakfast that day, he was apparently still very hungry because it was past his lunch time.

He expressed his hunger by curling up into a ball and laying on the ground. As you can see, Coco showed some concern for Ed’s well-being.




