Preparing for the ESL HotS Global Championship Spring ’16 NA Regional

After a rough day of traveling on Wednesday, we spent today and yesterday preparing for the ESL Heroes of the Storm Global Championship, Spring 2016 Circuit, NA Regional.

Yesterday started with waking up nice and early to get on the shuttle to go to the ESL Studio in Burbank, CA.

Tempo Storm was the first team to get their photos taken for media.

Usually, they take a ton of photos and videos for promotional content, but for some reason, they didn’t spend that much time with every team for this tournament. So, it was a lot faster and easier than we had anticipated.

Back at the studio, we claimed our computers and set up in the practice room. We managed to get the back corner to lessen the possibility of other people walking by and seeing our screens and scouting our strategies and team compositions that we were practicing.

Unfortunately, because everyone was just thrown into the same room together, the privacy thing didn’t really work out too well. Eventually, everyone just walked around wherever they wanted, and chatted with other players in random places.

All that was yesterday. Today, we had stage rehearsal.

The Asian guy you see in the red hoodie is Will Cho, better known as Chobra. He’s a pretty big figure in the esports industry, and he’s the director for this tournament.

Apart from that, all the other time we had was spent either practicing in the computer room, or chatting privately in a hotel room about drafting strategy. I was with the team all day during the morning and afternoon, but after the evening rolled around and the studio closed, I went my separate way for the rest of the night so I could get some work done in peace.

The tournament starts tomorrow, so be sure to tune in to the ESL Twitch stream and watch Tempo Storm play!




