Parkzer’s League of Legends champion nicknames

The people who have voice chatted while playing League of Legends with me have noticed that I have nicknames for almost all the champions, some of them being pretty silly. Upon request, I am posting my nicknames for all the League of Legends champions released to date.

If the nickname field is blank, it means that I don’t have a nickname for that champion.

Champion Nickname Notes
   Ahri Fox
   Akali Knives
   Alistar Bull / Cow Bull if he is doing well on my team, Cow if he is doing poorly on my team or is on the enemy team
   Amumu Mummy
   Anivia Bird / Walls / Egg Normally Bird, becomes Walls if there is also an ultimate-form Quinn on the battlefield, becomes Egg when in passive form
   Annie Tibbers
   Ashe Arrow
   Blitzcrank Robot
   Caitlyn Sniper
   Cassiopeia CassiOPeia Cassiopeia is so OP that she even has OP in her name
   Cho’Gath Dinosaur I use the Jurassic Cho’Gath skin
   Corki Helicopter
   Darius Chop Chop
   Dr. Mundo Mundo
   Evelynn Eve
   Ezreal Esreal S sound easier to pronounce than Z sound
   Fiddlesticks Caw Caw
   Fizz Fiss S sound easier to pronounce than Z sound
   Garen Demacia
   Gragas Graggy / Fatman Graggy if I’m playing him, Fatman otherwise
   Graves Ed This is the only champion my best friend can play well, and his name is Ed
   Hecarim Pony
   Heimerdinger Pimpmerdinger Just look at that walk
   Jarvan IV Helping “I’m Jarvan, I’m helping”
   Jinx I don’t have a nickname for her, but I sometimes sing her theme song when I’m dueling her
   Karma Sae Eleisa Va A modification of one of her quotes, “Sae Eleisa Tera Vi”
   Karthus PhantomL0rd PhantomL0rd is a famous Revive/Teleport Karthus player
   Kassadin Kass with a K As opposed to Cass with a C (Cassiopeia)
   Katarina Ban Kat I hate Katarina
   Kayle Adjustimacator
   Kennen Keenen
   Kha’Zix Jump
   Kog’Maw Cock’Mouth No nickname if he is doing well on my team, Cock’Mouth if he is doing poorly on my team or is on the enemy team
   Lee Sin Ree Singah
   Lucian Blackman
   Lulu Lulululululululu
   Lux Laser
   Malphite Rock
   Maokai Tree
   Master Yi
   Miss Fortune
   Mordekaiser BR EHUEHUEHUE
   Morgana Angel
   Nami Fish
   Nasus Dog
   Nidalee Hotshotnidaleegg
   Nocturne Darkness
   Nunu Nununononunu
   Olaf Oraff
   Orianna Ball
   Pantheon Mantheon Manly Mantheon and his Mandrops
   Poppy Who’s that?
   Quinn Bird No nickname normally, becomes Bird when in ultimate form
   Rammus Ok
   Renekton Crocodile I usually let out a vicious roar every time he uses his ultimate
   Rengar WTF
   Riven Riven needs to be removed from the game
   Shaco ShAco Pronounced ShAco, not Shahko
   Shyvana Dragon Normally Dragon, no nickname if we’re fighting near the Dragon objective
   Singed Poison Trail HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
   Sion Old Aatrox Aatrox is basically a newer version of AD Sion
   Sivir Duck “Better duck!”
   Skarner Mysterious Skarner
   Soraka Heals
   Swain Crowstorm
   Syndra Balls
   Taric Gayman
   Teemo Teeto
   Thresh Chresh
   Tristana Rocket “Is that a rocket in your pocket?”
   Trundle Chundoe
   Tryndamere Trandamurr
   Twisted Fate Trash
   Twitch Rat
   Veigar Midget
   Vel’Koz Eyeball
   Vladimir Blood
   Volibear Bear
   Wukong Monkey
   Xin Zhao I don’t have a nickname for him, but I make martial arts sounds whenever I see him fighting
   Yasuo Coward Dashes around randomly like a retarded headless chicken until you die to minions
   Yorick Gravedigger
   Zac Blobs
   Zed Sed S sound easier to pronounce than Z sound
   Ziggs I don’t have a nickname for him, but I usually imitate his laugh when fighting with him
   Zilean Clock
   Zyra Plant Lady




