Action-Packed Content Coming Soon

I haven’t really been up to much since my winter break started, so I’m running out of things to blog a­bout. The only things I’ve been doing lately are reprogramming portions of my website, planning out more content for the future, watching YouTube videos, playing competitive Tetris a little bit, and watching our family business.

I do have a few interesting things coming up in the near future, though. This Thursday afternoon, I’ll be headed over to your best friend Ed Lam’s house to make another video for you. He’s such a fan-favorite that I’m thinking about handing over my entire website over to him because you guys like him so much.

… Before you start sending me messages, no, I’m just kidding.

Sometime next week, Ben Chow, Ed Lam, and I will be going to Buffalo Wild Wings again and filming an­oth­er video like we did last year. I’m not sure if Ben will have any interesting stories like he did last year, like the one about how he got fired from his job because he put pizza and salt in the ice cream section, but I’m sure something intriguing will happen.


The Daily Shoot Assignment of the Day

#DS582: Illustrate heat in one of its many forms in a photograph today. (Assigned June 20, 2011.)


The light bulb of a lamp emitting heat.




