I finished my last final exam today.

Unfortunately, this means I no longer have an excuse to slack off on everything else now. I currently have over 200 unanswered emails sitting in my inbox piling up from the last handful of days because I’ve been too busy to answer them.

As of right now, it’s been over seven hours since I got back to my apartment, and I still haven’t gotten started answering emails.

But don’t tell anyone.

And if you happen to be one of the people who are waiting for a response from me…

Hey look, it’s a distraction! I have another mediocre photograph for you!


The Daily Shoot Assignment of the Day

#DS580: Make a close-up photograph of something. Fill the frame with your subject if you can. (Assigned June 18, 2011.)

A close-up of the cables going into my external hard drive.




