Last Two Final Exams are Here

Today was my last off day, and my last two final exams start tomorrow.

The one tomorrow is for psychological statistics and starts at 10:05 AM. The one on the day after tomorrow is for introductory zoology (which is strangely a requirement for being a psychology major) and starts at 2:45 PM.

I think I’m just about done preparing for my psychology exam, and all I plan to do now is sleep for at least 7.5 hours and read over my notebook one last time tomorrow morning before heading out to the exam site.

So, like I’ve been doing really frequently lately, I’m going to leave you with another mediocre photograph and go to sleep.


The Daily Shoot Assignment of the Day

#DS579: Make a photograph that features a shadow as your subject today. (Assigned June 17, 2011.)

Battery Shadow

The shadows of two AA batteries.




