Microsoft Update Timer in Windows 7

Is it just me, or did Microsoft Update on Windows 7 randomly start forcing you to restart your computer if you don’t click the “Postpone” button for 15 minutes?

Before, if you didn’t notice the alert that told you to restart your computer, it would just stay open in the background until you tended to it. But now, whenever Microsoft Update wants you to restart your computer, it shows a little timer for 15 minutes; if you don’t click Postpone within the time limit, it automatically restarts.

That’s fine when I see the alert, because I usually click the Postpone button in time. But when I’m busily doing something else, sometimes the notice appears in the background because I’m typing, and I don’t see it. Then the timer counts down and it reaches 0, then it randomly restarts my laptop. And the worst part is that it only happens when I’m busy doing something, which also happens to be the worst time for my laptop to restart.


The Daily Post at

Topic #176: Find the nearest window. Look outside. What is the most interesting thing you see? What is the least interesting thing? If you don’t have a window, close your eyes and imagine one: what do you see when you look through it?

Seeing as it’s night right now and it’s dark outside, I can’t really see anything out my window, so the most interesting thing I see (and one of the only things I see) is a street lamp. The least interesting thing is the darkness that’s everywhere else.

When I close my eyes and imagine a window, I see grassy hills and a bright blue sky with clouds through the window. I guess I’m not very imaginative, so all my windows lead to a stereotypical child’s coloring book representation of what is outside every window.




