Going to Buffalo Wild Wings Fail

After taking my AP Spanish final exam (which happens to be my last final exam of high school), I went out to eat lunch with two of my college buddies (who will now be referred to by their names, Roger and Garret) that graduated high school last year. We decided to go to Buffalo Wild Wings.

After I finished my exam, Roger came to pick me up, and we headed over to Buffalo Wild Wings. Meanwhile, Garret was driving on his own, and we planned to meet up at the restaurant.

Upon arriving, Roger and I noticed that Garret wasn’t there yet, so we sat in the car and waited. After a while, I called Garret to check and see where he was. After overcoming a few technical difficulties, we managed to communicate with each other that we were both sitting in the parking lot facing a Jimmy John’s. Roger and I left the car.

We started slowly walking toward the Buffalo Wild Wings building when we noticed that Garret was still nowhere in sight. After a minute or two, we got a call from Garret. He said that he was also in front of the Buffalo Wild Wings building, and could not see us.

Then we made a revolutionary discovery. Roger and I were standing in front of the Buffalo Wild Wings in Crystal Lake. Garret was standing in front of the Buffalo Wild Wings in Algonquin, about five miles away. The most interesting part is that there also happens to be a Jimmy John’s situated near the Buffalo Wild Wings in Algonquin as well as the one in Crystal Lake.

After realizing this, Roger made a :facepalm: expression without the actual facepalm.




