Parkzer Rises Again

On this day five months ago, I made a post stating that I would be taking a break from publishing new con­tent on my website.

Coincidentally (but not really), it happened to be on April Fool’s Day. A lot of people thought that I was joking. But, as time went on, they started realizing that I wasn’t actually playing around.

What I intended to do during that time was publish an entire redesign of my entire website with a lot more features, better graphics, and overall a better way to present all the content I would be posting. Unsurprisingly, that was a lot harder than I thought it would be, especially because I was so occupied with so many other things going on. To jump to the “tl;dr” version of the story, I basically got almost noth­ing done.

I fiddled around with my landing page for a bit, moving some highlights around and sticking some more in, then opened the template editor in WordPress a few times only to get repeatedly overwhelmed and scared away.

So, we’re basically almost back to square one.

Actually, we never actually even left the first square to begin with.

Never use a preposition to end a sentence with.




