Top lane jungle Nocturne

There’s a new League of Legends strategy going around. It’s to have your random top lane Fiora go AFK and get your jungler to play two roles.

It works, I swear.

Told you.

So basically, the enemy Teemo wasn’t that smart and pushed all the way under the allied top lane turret, so I got an easy kill on him at level 3 when I had double buffs. I used that lead, as well as the ability to farm both my jungle and a solo lane, to snowball my strength into mid game, where I was 8/1 at one point.

I continued to apply extreme pressure everywhere on the map and allowed my two carries, Twisted Fate and Caitlyn, to farm up and get kills. By late game, the enemy team was so used to me being a terrifying threat that everyone focused me down, which allowed my two carries, as well as my support, to stay alive and deal heavy damage to the enemy team.

So we ended up winning most of the team fights, then pushed into their base to win the game.




