Migration from Co.CC to .COM

After changing my main domain name from Parkzer.co.cc to Parkzer.com, I decided to redesign my web­site’s layout as well. After building the basic design, I started spreading the news of my new website layout around and asked for people to suggest improvements. I got a handful of ideas, and started building a list.

The following list shows the ideas I received and the things I still have left to do:

  • Find a better color than vomit yellow for the links. (What about vomit purple? Just kidding)
  • Fix .htaccess forwarding for the other domains. (Someone help me with this, it won’t work)
  • Turn all the external links into graphic advertisements, and get rid of the external links section.
  • Pre-resize the advertisement images instead of resizing on-the-fly.
  • Copy the advertisement images onto this server to reduce the number of outside connections.
  • Get rid of the animations on the advertisements in the sidebar, they’re annoying.
  • Change the navigation button container to make it seem more fitting. (Changed buttons instead)
  • Add more background colors so the same background appears twice consecutively less often.
  • Create two more columns at the bottom and move all social networking stuff down there.
  • Add a watermarked Twitter bird to the top right corner of the Latest Tweets box.
  • Split the newest pages section to newest blog posts and newest content.
  • Extend the number of items in each ‘Newest’ box to ten.
  • Make a dynamic subheader for FMiMHv2 and LOLWTF, similar to the one already on the RS pages.
  • Make the Justin White advertisement open the page in a new tab instead of this one.
  • Increase the opacity of the text on the yellow navigation buttons. (No longer applies)
  • Get rid of the empty white box at the bottom.
  • Automatically import non-linked tweets from Twitter instead of adding them manually. (Too hard)
  • Fix the Misc. Resources -> Spyware Protect 2009 page’s formatting.
  • Create a ‘The Best of the Best’ page that has the funniest and most popular blog articles.
  • Make the Home navigation button link to / instead of /index.
  • Change the color scheme of the navigation buttons to be more consistent.
  • Put in lightning the background for the ‘Newest’ boxes. (Tried, looks random and not very good)
  • Replace the word ‘Twitter’ with the logo in the Latest Tweets box. (Tried, looks out of place)
  • Link the word Blog in the ‘Newest Blog Entries’ box to the blog archive page.
  • Compress the navigation button images. (Done, they went from ≈20 KB each to ≈2 KB each.)

Let me know if you have a suggestion to add to the list.

Come back later to check on my progress.




