Introduction to the Health & Psychology category

In response to feedback and suggestions for my website, I decided to create a new topic of content on my website – Health and Psychology.

One of the main reasons people asked for this is because of my background with psychology. Even before attending university, I had an interest in psychology that led me to do a lot of independent learning, research, and experimentation. Upon entering university, one of my primary focuses of study was psychology (the others being sociology and criminal justice). Thus, my background in psychology is driven by intrinsic interest and motivation, as well as formal studies at a university-level educational institution.

The second main reason is because of my apparent compatibility with health and fitness. It’s commonly known that my favorite restaurant is McDonald’s and I eat a lot of unhealthy food. However, I manage to stay fit and thin. Upon learning about this, most people think I have some sort of secret. I also have close ties to fitness and exercise because I have been a martial arts instructor in various different training academies.

All this being said, and even after taking the public view into consideration, I don’t think I’m anyone special beyond others who have the same qualifications as I do. However, I am still willing to share what I know based off what I have experienced and learned.

When I advise others, I like to give them things to think about, rather than telling them what to do. The format of my Health and Psychology posts will be the same – I will be presenting facts related to your questions to help you make better, more informed decisions of your own. It’s also important to make proper judgments as to whose information is more valuable. For example, if your doctor tells you some­thing that conflicts with what I say, you should probably listen to your doctor; not only because he may know some­thing that I don’t, but also because my information will be oriented towards the general public, while your doctor’s information will probably apply personally to you.

With all of this disclaimer-style information out of the way, I feel like I’m ready to address some of your questions. I already have a handful of topics prepared that will last me several posts, so questions you ask now may not be answered for a while. However, all valid questions will be placed in a queue, and the most popular and controversial ones will receive priority. To submit topic suggestions, my recommendation is to send me a message through my website’s contact form.




